The Reef Divers Experience

Personalized Valet Service

Reef Divers is renowned for offering personalized valet diving, but what does that mean? Essentially, Reef Divers takes all the hard work out of scuba diving, from the heavy lifting and care of your boat gear, to switching out tanks and safely storing your gear at the end of the day. At our on-site dive shop, we also have separate rinse tanks for photo equipment and wetsuits and general dive gear, plus a drying room with hanging space for wetsuits and mesh bags so you don’t have to lug them back to your room.


No Tank Dancing

Reef Divers emphasizes safety first, followed by comfort. So, rather than having to perform an unbalanced “tank dance” to get from your seat to the rear of the boat with a 35-pound scuba tank on your back—we carry your gear for you and help you slip it on while you’re seated. Then it’s just one step into the Cayman Caribbean Sea, where abundant marine life awaits your arrival.

At the end of the dive, you hand up your fins and cameras and we help you ascend one of the ladders and remove your gear before you return to your seat. If you have physical limitations or special needs, you may choose to hand up all your gear before climbing the ladder.

Reef Divers Standard Profiles

01  Dive

Max 110′ for :50

02  Dive

Max 60′ for :60

03  Dive
Max 60′ for :60
04  Dive

Max 60′ for :60

Let's Go Diving

In general, at 7:45 AM we begin briefings for our morning 2-tank boat dives and at 1:45 PM for the afternoon 1-tank boat dives. Although most of our divers are guests staying at our resort on packages that include diving, if we have space we also sell individual dives a la carte on island.

For guests on dive packages, we try to take a morning two-tank dive and head over to explore Cayman Brac  – weather permitting. 

Night boat dives are also available 2 nights per week based on weather conditions and interest.

Rental Equipment

Reef Divers stocks newer, well-maintained SCUBAPRO equipment available for rental. This includes regulators with gauges, BCDs, masks, fins, snorkels, and wetsuits. If you don’t own one, we also provide dive computers for use without charge to divers on packages. We require everyone to have their own dive computer on our boats.

Download a price list for our basic rental gear here.

Required Diver Forms

For your convenience, we have converted all our dive documents to digital forms. The exception is the medical release anyone taking an in-water class from Reef Divers must still print and bring with them. This means that you can complete them online at your convenience prior to your arrival on island. It should take about 10 minutes.

We send out the links 30 days prior to your scheduled arrival on island.

If you booked directly with us, you will receive an email from us with your diver reservation number and the link. You can complete the forms on your mobile device or desktop. If using your desktop computer, please scan and save the front and back of your c-card which you will need to upload. If you are using nitrox, you can use it for both your regular c-card and nitrox c-card.

If you booked through a dive travel planner whether as an individual or as a group, we will send them the diver reservation numbers and links, asking them to forward to you for completion. If you haven’t received within 20 days of arrival, please contact them, first.

If you are traveling as part of a group who has booked directly with us, we will send your group leader the diver reservation numbers and links to forward to you. If you haven’t received within 20 days of arrival, please contact them, first.

If you have questions or difficulties getting the documents according to the timelines above or you have problems accessing or completing the forms, please give us a call. We are available Monday – Friday, 8:30 AM – 5:30 PM Eastern time at (727) 323-8727 or (800) 327-3835.

If you’re engaging in any kind of in-water instruction or certification, you will also be required to bring a completed medical form with you. Click to download Diver Medical Form.